
Music Studio

With A Bow

How To Find Your Voice

Your VOICE (phonation) at its base function is Myoelastic Aerodynamics in motion. 🗣

Myo = muscle, elastic = elasticity, aerodynamic = air pressures and flow.*

But beyond that, I know that each voice has its own set of past experiences and current beliefs that can impact how we see ourselves and view the worthiness of our voice and our story! 

Hello, I’m right there with you! 🙋🏻‍♀️

When we phonate, we are creating energy and sound on an acoustic level from a soulful place.

As a holistic function-based teacher, I give you tools and resources to strengthen your voice grounded in voice science but work from a Person-Centered approach.

My Vision + Voice methodology helps you find your voice by owning your past experiences and current beliefs, identifying your strengths, and applying tools and resources so we can amplify your VOICE.

V  Vocalize the dream

O  Own the process

I    Implement changes

C   Create a plan

E   Expand the vision

You have a story to tell, and your voice deserves to be heard. Now is the time to stop playing small and stand in your vocal power.

📣  Let’s amplify your VOICE! Book your FREE Discovery Call.

*Schutte, H. K. & Jw. Van den Berg (1980). The Efficiency of Voice Production [Abstract]. Folia Phoniatrica

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